Dr Rory Wilson


Dr Rory Wilson is a Medical Doctor by training and alongside being an integral member of the humanitarian aid initiative at Planetary Health Labs, he has continued to research around the intersection of health/environment interface. Prior to joining, Dr Wilson completed his IBSc in Global Health at Imperial where he received First Class honours for his dissertation; ‘A systematic review on the extent and different ways climate change acts as a threat multiplier in the Lake Chad Basin Region.’ This explored the role of climate change in driving the current conflict and humanitarian crisis regionally. He was also competitively selected as an ‘emerging planetary health scholar’ at the Planetary Health Alliance Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, May 2018. Dr Wilson believes that in order to secure humanhealth we needto secure environmental health, his most recent research project to date has been around mapping and updating the current operational and clinical guidelines for pediatric health in humanitarian emergencies.Dr Wilson will start his Academic Foundation Programme in Dundee in August 2020. Dr Wilson looks to develops his research interests in Humanitarian Medicine, Planetary Health with a concentration on devising evidence based health care interventions in resource constrained settings.


You can email Dr Rory Wilson, at roryw96@hotmail.co.uk