Curtis Ogdenis a Senior Associate with the Interaction Institute for Social Change (IISC), a collaborative capacity-building intermediary based in Boston, MA. He provides consulting services (process design, facilitation, training, and coaching) to a variety of large-scale multi-stakeholder change and network-building initiatives. Much of his work concentrates on food systems, including partnerships with Food Solutions New England, Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group NESAWG), Chesapeake Foodshed Network, Vermont Farm to Plate Network, Connecticut Food System Alliance, Minnesota Food Charter Network, and the Inter-Organizational Network for Food, Agriculture and Sustainability. He also consults to networks focused on new economics, education reform, public health, and environmental conservation, all with an underlying commitment to social equity. Curtis is a regular contributor to the IISC blog. He is also an advisor to a few start-up initiatives focused on addressing structural racism and inequality. He lives in Amherst, MA with his wife and three daughters.
You can email Curtis Ogden, at